Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

Today is Valentine's Day and I am feeling so blessed to be surrounded by people I love so much. Dear Hubby and I have been married for 24 years (yes, I was a toddler when we married). He spent the year before we married teaching in Africa, and we could speak once a month on the phone (if we could get a line through), and we got married 6 weeks after he got back. And now we have two beautiful offspring (they don't like me to call them "kids" any more!) and we are still going strong.
Well, that's enough of the mushy stuff for now. I still have housework to do and my paints are calling me! Later I have to take the senior offspring downtown- he and his friends are dressing as Zombies to pass out Valentines to the passers-by. A teenager's mind is a wonderful thing to observe.

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